Are You Taking Care Of Yourself?
It can be so easy to put yourself last in today’s busy world. There always seems to be something more important to do than take care of your own health.
That was my mother’s outlook – and it cost us her life at the young age of 57.
It’s why I’m so passionate about helping others take back control of their health through changing their diet, nutrition and mindset. That “me-last mindset” meant my mom never got to meet her grandchildren.
It’s not too late to make a change for the better in your own life. Take the quiz below to find out if you’re taking good care of yourself. And let me know if you can use some support. I'm here for you.

With our busy lives, taking care of ourselves is more important than ever—yet it’s often the last thing on our minds. We have to meet that deadline, use break time to run errands, accomplish all the items on our list. We all know the negative impact on our health that stress can have—so, let’s find some balance. Take this self-quiz to see how well you are taking care of yourself.
T/F 1. When I’m upset and/or feeling hopeless, I talk about the situation with a friend, family member or therapist. And if I need help, I ask for it.
T/F 2. I let go of the way things used to be. I accept the way
things are.
T/F 3. Every day I do something physical even if it’s just a walk around the block or a 15-minute workout.
T/F 4. I eat healthfully and take the time to enjoy my meals. I set aside work, driving and other activities while I eat.
T/F 5. I think positively. I view problems as opportunities and obstacles as challenges.
T/F 6. I can say no when I need or want to.
T/F 7. I remember to breathe.
T/F 8. If I’m experiencing physical symptoms, I go to the appropriate health care professional. I don’t panic about the symptoms and I don’t deny them either.
T/F 9. I can settle for “good enough.” I don’t demand perfection in everything that I do.
T/F 10. I recognize the value of working in different gears. Some tasks require less effort. That saves energy for those times when I need to push myself.
T/F 11. I get enough sleep most nights.
T/F 12. I value my personal relationships and give them the time and energy they need and deserve.
T/F 13. I choose healthy ways to relieve stress. I don’t rely on crutches such as smoking, drinking and overeating.
T/F 14. I recognize the importance of breaks during the day, as well as vacations.
T/F 15. I listen to and respect my feelings.
If you answered false to several of these, you may want to take an honest look at the impact your choices may be having. Please do not hesitate to call if you would like support in taking better care of yourself.

Are You Ready for a Change – Finally?
If you’re tired of quick fixes and yo-yo results that never seem to get you the health and shape that you want – then it’s time to take action! Book a FREE 45-minute one-on-one consultation with me to find out what’s holding you back and how you can overcome those blocks with easy, step-by-step improvements in your diet, fitness and mindset. What do you have to lose?